Canine SAR Search Strategy: 
Search Strategy for the Wilderness/Area Search Dog Handler

Description: This class is meant for the area search or wilderness search dog handler.  Covers basic search strategies such as hasty, thorough and terrain strategies.  Students are then introduced how meteorology, time of day, and terrain can affect wind/scent movement and how to appropriately develop search strategies to deal with them.  Probability of Detection is also covered.  Final exercises include scenario based strategy development with aerial and topographic maps.
Hours: Approximately 6-8 hours of instruction
Module Developers: Robin Habeger, Mike Wiederhold, Teresa MacPherson
Type: Online independent study with written final exam
Cost: $55.00
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Sources used for this class include:

Clayton, Bill, David Day and Jim McFadden (1986). Wildland Firefighting. Koenig, Marcia (1987). Wilderness search strategy for dog handlers. Pyne, Stephen (1984). Introduction to Wildland Fire. Reifsnyder, William (1980). Weathering the Wilderness. USDA Handbook 272 (1964). Winds over Wildlands -- A Guide for Forest Managment.